You're the Person, as the you think are?


Upgrade you, your family and your business, while you turn your Thinking into results

What do you think ?

No, really … what do you think ?

It may come as a surprise, but most people think nothing at all.

I mean, mental activity is not the same as Thinking.

This is an important distinction.

If you begin to take a closer look at , what you think about
and how do you think you will undoubtedly find out, is that your way of Thinking
absolutely in Accordance with your results.

And the great news!

You can change your way of Thinking – your results will change .

Die Verantwortung liegt bei dir.


• Hättest Vertrauen in deine Fähigkeit, to make your life consciously • Könntest deine Angst und dein Stress reduzieren, indem du konstruktive Gedanken denkst • Wüsstest ohne jeglichen Zweifel, dass du eine Idee oder ein Ziel verwirklichen könntest • Hättest die mentale Disziplin, think about things, you want to, to emphasize, rather than , was du nicht möchtest • Hättest ein bewährtes System um deine Ergebnisse kontinuierlich zu verbessern


Without prompting, we are day in and day out faced with some information of News, (Free) Newspapers, Social Media, Billboards, Family and colleagues – to take the time , to be able to sleep for yourself to think is always difficult. Is it any wonder , that we find ourselves in a tense, exhausted, frustrated and – to be honest – emaciated condition again. Now, the solution is neither difficult nor complicated. We need to remember to remember . And, of course, we must learn how we live, we want , effective can make . You see, if you take your Position in the (Work) Market, your sporting results, your relationships, your satisfaction or your health and want to improve – then you NEED to change your way of Thinking …
… there's no way around the fact .


Everything in your life is directly connected to your Thinking ... that means:

  • The amount of Stress, you charged
  • The amount of joy, you experience
  • The Amount Of Money, you deserve
  • The contacts and relations, you will enjoy
  • Your health and well-being

Und die Liste geht noch weiter.

The Best part? If you make other efforts , kann das zu vorübergehenden Veränderungen führen – you change your way of Thinking, things change forever!



Proctor Gallagher Consultants are certified, with clients in a Thought-provoking and creative process to work, inspires you , to maximize their personal and professional potential . Not only are they qualified, but are recommended by the Proctor Gallagher Institute individually .

Proctor Gallagher Consultants honors the client as the expert in his or her own life and work and believes, each customer creative, awesome and perfect. On this basis, it is the responsibility of the consultant :
– Determine, Clarify and Coordinate the, what does the customer want to achieve
– Encouragement of customers to self-knowledge
– Support of the customer, to develop their own solutions and strategies
– With the customer in a Accountability- and in a Responsible relationship

Not too long ago, everyone would have , the Sandy Gallagher looked at, thought, that you would have answered this question definitively . As a well-respected lawyer with a successful career in the banking law, Sandra has regularly billions of dollars in mergers and Acquisitions, IPOs and other Big-Ticket transactions handled, and was an Advisor to boards of Directors and Top managers of Fortune 500 companies. She embodied the success of the classic business form. But an encounter with Bob Proctor brought Sandy on an extraordinary new path – a, the end not only your life, but also countless others would change. Through Bob's mind, Sandy's Teachings, finally, the “Why” behind her life-long success. Without realizing it , she had spent her life in order , to practice the principles , the Bob represented, and to demonstrate their power . You knew at the time, your next Mission in life was, to teach others, how to do it, what she had done . She decided, with the company together. Bob, to fulfill this Mission . After their first collaboration, Thinking Into Results – Sandy's Spirit Product, this is widely recognized as the most powerful personal and business transformation program of its kind – she quickly became CEO and President of Bob's organization. Today, as a co-founder, CEO and President of Proctor Gallagher Institute, Sandy shares the international rounds of talks with Bob and works closely with him and his Team of professionals , Coaching, Training and consulting on the most profound, the most powerful and TRANS-to offer formative concepts and strategies , the has experienced in the history of mankind . So now – the most important question for you … what you want to do with your life ?

For millions of people all over the world the Name Bob Proctor is synonymous with success. As A Speaker, Author, Consultant, Coach and Mentor working together Bob Proctor with companies and individuals around the world and provides you with not only the mental foundations of success and the Motivation to Achieve, but also in the types of strategies, empower you, to grow in the ever-changing world of today , to improve and thrive. Through the Proctor Gallagher Institute Bob teach , Sandy Gallagher and her Team the principles, Strategies and fundamentals, the people and organizations help, die gewünschten Resultate im Leben zu erzielen.


Thinking Into Results bringt ein innovatives Format in die professionelle Führung und Entwicklung. Bob Proctor and Sandra Gallagher on combine 50 Years of research in the personal and professional development and 20 Years in the field of fusion- and acquisition the right of the company, and combine their forces, to give you a complete personal and professional development program to offer, the life completely changed .

This exceptional program will be presented in twelve logical, simple and practical lessons presented, in order to ensure, the methods- and success mentality is part of the thinking, Action and the results of each Individual, and in an exceptional Return on Investment for your company is reflected.

Thinking Into Results wir als Video präsentiert mit MP3 Audio-Downloads von jeder Lektion (both in the English language),
accompanied by a deep, Thought-provoking, implementation-oriented work book.

Lesson 1: A Worthy Ideal Lesson 2: The Knowing-Doing Gap Lesson 3: Your Infinite Mind Lesson 4: The Secret Genie Lesson 5: Thinking into Results Lesson 6: Environment is But Our Looking Glass Lesson 7: Trample the Terror Barrier Lesson 8: The Power of Praxis Lesson 9: The Magic Word Lesson 10: The Most Valuable Person Lesson 11: Leaving Everyone with the Impression of Increase Lesson 12: Magnifying the Mind